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3. Fire off a toast

At this point, you are pretty much set up.

You can now fire off toasts from wherever you want by importing the toast function and calling it with the interface you specified in step 1.

import { toast } from "../../lib/toast.ts";

const ContactForm = () => {
const onSubmit = async (values) => {
try {
const response = await postToServer(values).unwrap();
title: "✅ Success!",
} catch (err) {
title: "💩 Error!",

return <form>{/* ... */}</form>;

You can also pass an extra argument to the toast-function, removeAfterMs, to auto-remove just that one specific toast after the given timeout. This property will overwrite any global options specified in useToasts or ToastProvider.

After calling the toast function, your toast-list should rerender with your new toast in it.