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2. Create toast-list

With our utilities exported from lib/toast.ts, we can now start building a toast-list.


The utils exported stay in sync through a unique channel created when initToast is called.

This means that when you add a toast using the toast function, or remove it using onRemoveToast, this will affect every toast-list created from the same initToast.

You can also initialize more than once to build separate independent lists.

Using useToasts

See the reference for all exports and options.

import { useToasts } "../lib/toast";

export const ToastList = () => {
const { toasts, onRemoveToast} = useToasts();

return (
<div className="toasts-container">
{ => (
<div key={} className="toast">
<button onClick={() => props.onRemoveToast(}>
import { ToastList } from "./ToastList";

const App = () => {
return (
<ToastList />
{/* */}

You can also take a look at more examples using useToasts, for features like

  • Permanent logging of toasts
  • Pausing auto-dismissal on hover
  • Falling back to default values in the toast function.